On hacking other people's scripts and node spaghetti!
Here's the current facial setup...
Not quite ready to release an open facial rig beta but been deep in the depths of nodes trying to make things work well.
So back to hacking things. There's a really sweet script called jsFacialWin (which no one seems to have up currently that I can find for download - it was written by Judd Simantov @ www.cgmuscle.com and looks to be working on his website at present).
It's a great way to quickly created joystick controls and connect them to blendShapes or attributes driving poses via pretty elegant nodal trees rather than by expressions (which I frankly find to be a pain to edit and deal with)
Well, what does one do when you want to use this handy dandy connector but don't want to use the joysticks it makes? Great question and one I asked myself last night so I dug in to see what it's actually doing and found an pretty easy way to high-jack it.
The first step is to identify what the controls it make are. Their hierarchy is as follows:
- Transform (group) - this moves the control around and give it it's basis for 0 to one values on all axis
- Control - this is what the animator moves to drive...whatever
- Name must end with "Grp" - I had been using "_grp" so a simple name change was easy enough
- Add a string attribute called "type"
- Look at the jsFacialWin and see which type matches what you want - In my case, my value was "C"
- Should be a 0 to 1, -1 to 0 type control.
- Name must end with "CircleCtrl"
- Add a string attribute called "name"
- Input the name of your control without the "CircleCtrl" in the field