Morpheus Facial OPEN Beta!
Well my internet amigos, getting closer and closer to finished here. It's been a pretty nice weekend here in the Texas sticks and I thought it was a good day to release Morphy's Facial Rig to open Beta. It's getting pretty close to done and I wanted to get some more feedback.
Download it on the new Morpheus project page . There's also WIP documentation and faqs on the page. If you have more questions, keep em comin.
What's in the pack?
- The latest and greatest Morphy facial rig
- Notes on some "hidden" controls
- Smoothers are on "faceSmoothingAttributeHolder"
- Visibility toggles on "faceVisibilityAttributeHolder"
- For the tinkerers out there, you can use the below to find and mess with stuff:
- First off you'll need to turn off, my group drawing overrides so you can select stuff:
- "Geo_grp"
- "DeformationRig"
- "Head_RESETER_bsGeo" is a head mesh to "reset" and mirror vertices if you should be inclined to start messing with doing your own blendshapes. I use abSymMesh for mirroring and resetting.
- Blendshapes for the facial rig are here "Facial_bsGeo_grp"
- Blendshapes for the facial deformation are here "FacialDeformation_bsGeo_grp"
- The last open body release (with new head referenced)
- The referencing animation file I used to render the above test
- Textures
- Rough first pass at some feminine textures and different skin tones
- Eye textures
- Included source .psd files if you'd like to try some variations
- Scripts pack
- jbMorpheusFacialCustomGeoBaker - duplicates the wrap deformer functionality without the wrap deformer
- jbMorpheusAddHair - for easily skinning hair in
- jbMoprheusSmoothConnect - for creating polySmooth on a selection of meshes and then connecting the divisions attribute to whatever attribute you tell it to.
- boTriggers - Thanks to Bohdon for letting me include them. To update the trigger selectors in referenced files, run the script and run the updater.
- Facial blendshapes
- New Lip roll, narrow, wide polish
- Facial Deformation
- NO MORE wrap deformers! Everything is hooked up via blendshapes, skinweights and pixie dust
- Facial morph polish on lots of morphs
- Weighting fixes - still not done
- bug fix - eyebrow mover rotation mirroring working now
- Customization
- Instead of toggles for the eyebrows, broke them into blendshapes for even more variety
- New hair options: Thanks to Aziz Kocanaogullair and Mary Barreiro for the great work.
- Split out bangs for more variety with the dos. They work best with the feminine hairstyles
- Lookin to get rigs into the ponytail and pigtails for animatability
- Solid Teeth option - thanks Danny Garnett! He's working on some blendshapes for em too for even more variety
- Fixed some of the ear blendshapes
- Added full Gotee (from Aziz Kocanaogullair).
- Beards and gotees have blendshapes on them now to pull them out and push them in some. Rick, you should finally be able to get your crazy long gotee;)
- Workflow
- smoother attributes
- parent toggles for eyes
- Facial Deformation:
- Are there any specific controls you're not finding that you're wanting? (i.e. I've thought about adding a mouth sac scaler to avoid some of the penetration that happens at bigger scale mouth and jaws as well as a nose bridge narrower)
- Did you come up with a cool morph you'd like me to try to incorporate? (i.e. better lip thickener or somethin?)
- Facial Rig
- The facial rig is an experiment in some areas and unlike any facial rig I've done before. The lip controls especially are an attempt at a new control mechanism for the same types of shapes I use in any facial rig. Thoughts?
- If you start doing tests, are there any things you're having a hard time getting out of the rig?
- Customization
- Some of the customization stuff is rougher than others, if you'd like to polish things up create some new ones, by all means be my guest and I'll roll it in.
- Thoughts on specific options?
- Textures
- Texturing is definitely not my strong point. The source files are there for any experts out there. I'm not 100% happy on diffuse, spec or even the colors. Just an attempt at getting something. Feel free to experiment and send your ideas.
- Yes, my tongue shader is too shiny. See previous bullet point.