
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Keane and a blue moon...

Great series of vids. Hat tip to my pal Kyle for the find.

The moon was so bright last night it was eerily awesome at 4 am. We live in the middle of nowhere now so there were NO outside lights to spoil the beautiful blue illumination. It was casting these sweet blue shadows on my back patio and the big old moon was just glowing there like a great big light bulb in the night sky. Shoulda got the pastels out.

Why was I up at 4am? Allergies, my friends. Gotta love em.

Got some good thinking done as I lay there surrounded by tissue paper on the couch (decided to not subject my wife to my sniffles if I could help it) and have some new ideas on the next project side of things to workout. This is if Garden City ever finishes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Progress makes...progress

Sorry, still no audio

Pretty close to final on a couple of shots here. The house will have lots more going on when Bokser get's done with some sim. We also need to break up the fence a bit more and add a few more things. Bokser made some pretty cool tools to help animate the house and move pivots during animation

Been busy on a wide variety of things from this sequence above to riding lawn mower research to still combating this poison ivy/oak of 4 weeks now.

Fixin to talk about God and faith here so if you wanna keep to the art skip the following....

Reading a lot as well. Rereading some of the emergent thinkers lately and listening to some of their podcasts. Specifically rereading "A Generous Orthodoxy" at present and don't find it very generous in it's characterizations of some sides. "Strawman" arguments get a little old. Attended a church that leaned that way for about a year. There are many good things I saw there and in the "movement" but I can't quite seem to fully make the jump philosophically. Still not sure how I feel about some of the ideas and what not. Actually that's a part of the problem with post modern theology - it's often hard to get to point of what some of the people are saying in the midst of the the perpetual "Yes and"'s. What that means is they'll set up a yes/no question and then proceed not to answer it. On many questions of the faith (protestant Christianity) I'm in the solid "I don't know" camp which is a long long way from where I once was in high school when of course I knew everything (if my thenself met my nowself and chatted about belief I might well call myself a heretic).

One of my main issues is that it feels like much of the emergent movement seems to be wrapped up in politics and I'm just not a fan of that on either side of the aisle. In as much as the "religous right" has swung to the ride side of the fences, the emergent branch seems to swing just as hard to the left. Frankly, if a preacher starts telling me who to vote for it's time to find the exit. Had some good conversations with some atheist/agnostic buddies when I was in LA and frankly I sympathize with a lot of what they had to say about their experiences with people of faith.

I pray I'm never one of "those experiences."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Another day, another Garden City Sequence...

Been workin on my last Garden City sequence and here's the blocking for it sans audio. As I mentioned a while ago, no more audio on the GC stuff so as to keep the story mysterious. I've moved onto the the linear/spline stage but wanted to post something to kick myself into making so progress. Did my first calf sorting with some friends last night near where we live. It was an interesting and fun experience. For the uninitiated, it involves a pair or peeps on horseback sorting a number of calves in order. Something like "nine ball" on horseback. Only they have to start at whatever number the judge tells you to. I need a lot of practice. The small joys of rural life:)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hope everyone had a nice Easter...

First things first, I have the internets at maximum warp again! Well, not maximum, but quite sufficient.

The commercial I worked on last month at Psyop finally aired and someone who worked on it posted it so I reckon it's okay to link it.
My main shots were -
  • s17 - fore and mid ground Octo guys, their Squid bubbles, and the arms.
  • s23 - quick shot of the fox at the Octobot controls
  • s24 - foreground fox, octobot and bubble sac, and the near-midground action of the bubble sac being hit by the turtles and eaten by the sub
I'll post the playblasts when I get the project page up as there's a bit more there. I had a blast on the project and really enjoyed the team and look forward to working with them again in the future.
Had some lemons of life lately which I'm workin on making into something sweeter...maybe lemonheads...I like those. The most recent of which was discovering Poison Oak in some other vines I was clearing off of some trees. Never had it before. Don't want it again. Don't want you to have it either. Avoid this at all cost....
However, I do have a sympathetic, supportive and beautiful wife who makes the bad days not so bad.
That and the prospect of a gator hunt on a neighbor's pond sounds like a life experience that suburbia just can't offer that the rural one can:)
Also, Bokser wants to finish Garden City this decade so I best get back to that...

All the stuff on this site is 2000 - by Josh Burton...unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.