New Shot, Updated Head and Austin for a day
- Garden City - Started a new shot this week and coming along on the blocking. Also, Bokser started a new fan page for the film on Facebook, so join away if you like
- Head Project - Coming along just fine. The base model is about done and I ran it through The Face Machine a couple of days ago to see what it looked like moving around. Pretty swell:)

- Austin for a Day - So word of advice - if you move make sure you tell Amazon. In a rush to make an order before heading out of town a few weeks ago, I neglected to check that and I now have a shipment of books waiting for me at my old apartment. Ah well. The main reason I'm heading there to to hang with my cousin before he heads off to school in England, have coffee with an animator pal and visit with some potential animation conspirators.
- New Gigs - Got a couple of gigs in the que so the aforementioned projects may be shifting to the side burner for a bit. However, looking forward to some new projects to gnaw on. It'll be a bit before I can talk about them. I will say that I would have be up a creek without The Setup Machine the other day. It's a great tool for the tool box.