
Monday, March 23, 2009

Post Something!

Alright, alright... This is a half day's work on roughing in another shot for Garden City in 2d. I've got about 4 shots in semi finish status - waiting on crits and final props. Things are coming along well. Life has been a bit busy lately. A couple of weeks ago, I was doing some freelance work for a studio in LA with Bokser which was a lot of fun. The render looks great, not sure when I'll be able to show it though. My wife and I finally closed on a little piece of land to put some horses on and I've been talking to Cory and we're finally gonna collaborate on a little bit of animation - the 2d kind and I couldn't be more excited to have a part in breathing some life into some of his characters. That's it for now. I'll try to post regular updates on this shot as it's pretty straight forward.

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