Holy cheerios, Batman! I'm DONE with my freelance gig. I'm burning the DVD's for the client now. Whoo hoo! It'll be a bit till I can update my site cause well, that hard drive crash I had a few weeks back took out all of my web source work. So, now that this is done, I have to get another hard drive to start unpacking my backups onto to see if what I've lost forever, and what I've got sitting in an archive somewhere.
Good times.
As soon as the client get's the DVD ready for sale, I'll post a link cause I know you'll wanna help Tiko pay for his pear eating addiction;)
I'd love nothing more than to buy your client's gear. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I can't afford an HD entertainment home theater.
Even if I finish the basement ;)
I think he's gonna have non-hd versions. Come on, Bowler, Tiko needs a pear!;)
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